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Description medications: Lucidril (Acephenum)

Atsefen (Acephenum). b -Dimetilaminoetilovogo parahlorfenoksiuksusnoy ester hydrochloride.

Synonyms: Analuks, meclofenoxate, Tsentrofenoksin, Tserutil, Analux, Centrophenoxine, Cerutil, Claretil , Clofenoxine, Lucidril, Meclofenoxati hydrochloridum, Meclofenoxate hydrochloride, Meclon, Mexazine, Nisantol, Proseryl, Ropoxyl and others.

The white crystalline powder. The easily soluble in water and alcohol.

The chemically different from the typical memory, but on the basis of the pharmacological properties and therapeutic action, is numbered amongst this group.

In the body atsefen splits, forming n-chlorophenoxyacetic acid and DMAE [OH - CH 2 - CH 2 - N (CH) 2]. This compound is an inhibitor of free radicals. It has independent significance as a mild central nervous system stimulant and nootropic agent. Available under the name "Deanol" (Deanol).

Synonyms: Dinetal, Etanamin and others.

There are a number of derivatives of the compound having a greater or lesser extent nootropic properties (demanol-atseglyumat or klerezhil, kleregil; Demanoli aceglumas, Cleregil, Dardanin, Otrun, Risatarim et al.). Lucidril (meclofenoxate) is regarded as one of the typical memory. It improves cognitive function, provides a modest stimulatory effect on the CNS, to activate the metabolism, improves synaptic transmission in the hypothalamus and other brain regions. Increases of acetylcholine in the synaptic terminals and increases the density of cholinergic receptors.

Apply in asthenic (with hypochondriacal and astenoipohondricheskih states for violations of mnemonic functions in middle and old age, traumatic and vascular diseases of the brain), with nervousness impinge and other neurotic conditions. In the clinic of nervous diseases atsefen also used in the diencephalic syndrome, cerebral circulatory disorders, in amyotrophic lateral syndrome.

Assign the interior of 0.1 - 0.3 g 3 - 5 times a day.

The course of treatment lasts 1 - 3 months. It can be administered in combination with other neurotropic medications.

Lucidril generally well tolerated. In some cases, patients with paranoid hallucinatory symptoms and possible worsening of delusional and hallucinatory phenomena, the occurrence of fear and anxiety. The drug is contraindicated in infectious diseases of the central nervous system.

Product: pills to 0.1 g-coated yellow, in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage: List B. In a dry, cool place.