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Description of the medicine: Chinosolum (Chinosolum)

CHINOSOL (Chinosolum). 8-Oxyquinoline sulfate.

Synonyms: Chinoxyzol, Cryptonol, Idril, Mycantine, Octofen, Oxichinolini sulfas, Oxyleine, Oxyquinol, Oxyquinolini sulfas, Salquinate, Soloxin, Sulfoquinol, Sunoxol, Superol and others.

A fine-grained powder of a lemon-yellow color, a peculiar smell. Easily soluble in water (1: 1, 3), little - in alcohol.

Has antiseptic and spermatocytic properties; Relatively little toxic does not have a local irritant effect, not inactivated by tissue proteins.

They are used in the dilution 1: 1000 - 1: 2000 for hand disinfection, washing of wounds, ulcers, douching, as well as in powders (1 - 2%) and ointments (5-10%).

Included in the preparation kombutek-2.

For processing surgical instruments is not suitable, because it interacts with metals.

Storage: in a well ukuporennoy container.

Rp .: Chinosoli 0.2

Aq. Destill. 200 ml

MDS For Wash Wounds

Rp .: Sol. Chinosoli 5% 100 ml

DS 2 tablespoons per cup of water (for syringing).