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Description of the medicine: Etymizol (Aethimizolum)

ETIMIZOL (Aethimizolum).

Bis (methylamide) -1-ethylimidazole-4, 5-dicarboxylic acid.

White crystalline powder. Little soluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Aqueous solutions of pH (6, 5 - 7, 2) are sterilized at + 100 ° C for 30 minutes.

Etimizol exerts a stimulating effect on the respiratory center and belongs to the group of respiratory analeptics, but at the same time it activates adrenocorticotropic function of the pituitary gland, which leads to an increase in the level of glucocorticosteroids in the blood. There is also evidence that etazol improves short-term memory and improves mental performance.

As a stimulant of respiration, ethizol is used for poisoning with drugs and analgesics, during and after general anesthesia, with lung atelectasis and other conditions accompanied by hypoventilation of the lungs. There are data on the use of theseazole in asphyxia and post-fixative conditions in newborns.

In connection with the stimulation of adrenocorticotropic function of the pituitary gland, ethizol is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agent for arthritis, polyarthritis, and also for certain forms of bronchial asthma. The bronchodilator effect of the drug is also partly related to its moderate antispasmodic properties.

In the mechanism of action of theseazole, its inhibitory effect on phosphodiesterase may play a role, leading to the accumulation of cyclic AMP in the tissues (see Caffeine).

To stimulate respiration, etazol is administered to adults by intramuscular or intravenous injection (slowly) in the form of 1% or 1.5% solution at a rate of 0.6-1 mg per kg of body weight of the patient (0.03-0.06 g per patient) 2 times a day. As a bronchodilator with a relatively light current and a short duration of the disease (in patients with bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis), ingest 0.1 g 3-4 times per day or intramuscularly 2 ml of a 1, 5% solution 2 times a day.

As an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agent is prescribed inside (in the form of tablets) 0.1 g 3 - 4 times a day (after meals). The course of treatment is 20 - 30 days.

When using the drug inside may be nausea and other dyspepsia. Sometimes there is anxiety, dizziness, sleep disturbances. In these cases, it is recommended to reduce the single dose to 1/2 tablets, appointing 5 to 6 times a day, excluding evening hours; In the case of development of dyspeptic phenomena, it is recommended to take the drug half an hour after eating.

The drug should not be prescribed to patients with motor and mental arousal.

Form release: powder; Tablets of 0.1 g; 1% or 1, 5% solution in ampoules of 3 and 5 ml.

Storage: List B. In the dark place.