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Description medications: Miarsenol (Myarsenolum)

MIARSENOL (Myarsenolum). 3, 3'-Diamino-4, 4'-dioksiarsenobenzol- N, N'-bis sodium methanesulphonate.

Similar products are produced abroad under the title: Myoarsemin, Myosalvarsan, Sulfarsenol, Sulfarsphenaminum, Sulfostab, Thiosarmin.

Light amorphous powder of light yellow color. Very easily soluble in water; practically insoluble in alcohol and ether. 18 comprises 2 - 19, 2% of arsenic.

Miarsenol is an organic compound of arsenic; in chemical structure and mechanism of action similar to novarsenolu. It has chemotherapeutic activity in spirochetosis and some diseases caused by protozoa.

The mechanism of action is due to the ability to block the sulfhydryl (thiol) fermentation of microorganisms of the system and thereby disrupt the flow in their organism of normal metabolic processes.

Apply miarsenol for the treatment of syphilis.

Enter intramuscularly (into the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks) long (5 - 6 cm) needle. The drug was dissolved in 2 ml (regardless of dose) of sterile water for injection at room temperature. For people with increased pain sensitivity miarsenol can be dissolved in the same amount of 1% novocaine solution. Solutions should be totally transparent. For each patient the solution was separately prepared, immediately before use. The drug should be administered slowly. Injection is carried out for 2 hours before or 2 hours after eating.

One-time, daily and course doses depend on the characteristics of the disease, age and general condition of patients.

The highest single dose for adults intramuscular injection 0.6 g (1 in every 5 - 6 days).

Miarsenol like novarsenolu arsenic and other drugs can cause various side effects: jaundice, hepatitis, polyneuritis and others.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, acute infectious diseases, acute gastrointestinal disease, liver disease and kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, is not amenable to dietary therapy, hyperthyroidism, bleeding diathesis, tuberculosis, diseases of the CNS, the visual apparatus, chronic intoxication (alcohol, mercury, lead, etc. )..

Do not appoint miarsenol during pregnancy.

After acute infectious diseases (flu, sore throat) application is permitted after the complete disappearance of all symptoms of the disease and transferred for a total well-being of the patient, but no earlier than 5 - 6 days after normalization of body temperature.

Product: powder in vials of 0.15; 0.3; 0.45 and 0.6 g

Storage: List A. In a sealed ampoules in a cool, dark place.

Before use, you must carefully examine miarsenola vial. If cracks were found in the glass, and sintering the color change of the drug, use of the latter is unacceptable. The drug must be free to pour in the vial, do not stick to the walls and it does not form lumps. It should be evenly colored in the usual color and well dissolved.