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Description of the medicine: Biyohinol (Biiochinolum)

BIIOCHINOL (Biiochinolum).

A suspension of 8% quinine iodismuthate (contains 23, 5 - 25% bismuth, 56, 5 58% iodine and 17, 8 - 18, 4% quinine) in neutralized peach oil.

After careful shaking, the slurry acquires a uniform brick-red color. When standing, a brick-red precipitate forms. In 1 ml of suspension contains 0.02 g of metallic bismuth.

Biohinol, as well as other preparations of bismuth (bismoverol), is used to treat various forms of syphilis, mainly in combination with antibiotics of the penicillin group.

In connection with the presence of anti-inflammatory and absorbing properties in biyohinol, this drug is also used in the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, after-effects of cerebral circulation, etc.

Enter intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks with a long needle. After insertion of the needle, it is necessary to monitor whether the blood from the cannula appears; Only after making sure of the absence of blood, attach the syringe and slowly inject the drug. Before injection, the vial is heated in warm water (not above + 40 C) and shaken gently. In the treatment of syphilis, 2 to 3 ml are administered to adults every 2 to 3 days (1 ml per day). On the course of 40 - 50 ml. In the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system, 1 ml per day or 2 ml every other day is administered. On the course of treatment 30 - 40 ml. The highest single dose for adults (in the muscles) 3 ml (1 time in 3 days). Children are given intramuscularly every 2 days in the following doses:

Dose for 1 Summar

Age of administration, dose of ml for treatment, ml
6 months - 1 year 0.5 - 0.8 8 - 10

From 2 years to 3 years 0.5 - 1, 0 12 - 15 >> 4 to 5 years 1, O - 1, 5 15 - 20 >> 6 >> 10 >> 1, 0 - 2, 0 20 - 25 >> 11 >> 15 >> 1, 0 - 3, 0 25 - 30

When using biyohinola and other bismuth preparations, the development of gingivitis and stomatitis is possible; Relatively often there is a so-called bismuth rim, i.e. A border of gray color along the edge of the gums and around individual (especially carious) teeth. There may also appear gray spots on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, palate. With proper hygienic care of the oral cavity, the bismuth border is rarely observed. Relatively often in the treatment of bismuth drugs, nephropathies occur, usually rapidly transient after drug withdrawal.

Contraindications: lesions of the oral mucosa, amphodontosis, kidney disease, acute and chronic liver diseases with lesions of her parenchyma, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypersensitivity to quinine. During treatment it is necessary to monitor the cleanness of the oral cavity, the state of the liver, kidneys. When the appearance of protein, cylinders or bismuth cells in the urine, damage to the oral mucosa in the form of gingivitis or stomatitis, it is necessary to take a break in treatment.

Product: in bottles of orange glass for 100 ml.

Storage: List B. In a cool, sheltered from the world place.