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Description medications: Dekamin (Decaminum)

DEKAMIN (Decaminum). 1, 10-decamethylene-bis- (4-aminohinaldiny chloride). Synonyms: Dekadin, Dequadin, Dequalinii chloridum, Dequalinium chloride, Dequalonum, Dequaspon, Evazol, Gargilon, Polycidine, Sorot.

White with Valium or yellow white powder, odorless, bitter taste. Slightly soluble in water (+ 0.5% at 25 C, 1:16 - hot) and alcohol.

Dekamin is bischetvertichnym ammonium compound has a local antibacterial and fungicidal action. It is effective when used topically against various pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.

Assign of diseases caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida albicans, thrush, skin candidiasis, nail ridges and nails (paronychia), as well as athlete's foot, inflammation of the mouth and throat (sore throats, tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, glossitis and aphthous ulcers).

For treatment of fungal skin conditions used in the form of 0.5% and 1% ointments, which is rubbed into the lesions 1 - 2 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the nature and course of the disease. Treatment is carried out with a microscopic control for the presence of fungi in the affected areas. Treatment usually 1 - 3 weeks.

In inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, and oral candidiasis appoint dekamin as caramel; Each candy contains 0.00015 g (0.15 mg) of the drug. One or two of candy are placed under the tongue or in the cheek and held until resorption without producing as much as possible swallowing movements to drug longer linger in the mouth. Caramel taken every 3 - 5 hours, and in severe infections - every 2 hours.

Dekamin generally well tolerated; irritation phenomena causes.

When using dekamina as an ointment should be noted that the drug is inactivated by anionic detergents (conventional soaps).

issuance: ointment 0.5% and 1% of the aluminum tubes to 30 - 60 g; caramel, each containing 0.15 mg dekamina caramel.

Storage: Keep in a dry, dark place.