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Description of the medicine: Bemegridum

BEMEGRIDUM. 2-Methyl-2-ztylglutarimide, or 2, 6-dioxo-4-methyl-4-ethylpiperidine.

Synonyms: Ahypnon, Bemegride, Etimid, Eukraton, Glutamisol, Malysol, Megibal, Megimide, Methertharmide, Mikedimide, Zentraleptin.

White crystalline powder odorless, bitter taste. Malorastvorim in water (0.5%), it is difficult - in alcohol.

Solutions (on an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, pH 5, 0 - 6, 5) are sterilized at + 105 - 110 C for 30 minutes.

Chemically, bemegrid refers to the derivatives of 2,6-dioxopiperidine.

Bemegrid is an antagonist of hypnotics: it reduces the toxicity of barbiturates, removes the respiratory depression and blood circulation caused by these substances. The analeptic action of bemegrid is not limited to antagonism with barbiturates. The drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and is effective in inhibiting respiration and circulation of various origins.

Apply bemegrid for acute poisoning with barbiturates; To eliminate breathing stops during anesthesia with barbiturates, thiobarbiturates and other narcotic drugs (ether, fluorotane, etc.); For stopping anesthesia with barbiturates and thiobarbiturates and accelerating awakening during anesthesia, as well as in other cases requiring the use of analeptics, including for removal from severe hypoxic conditions.

Enter bemegrid intravenously slowly in the form of a 0.5% solution. In acute poisoning with barbiturates, as well as to remove from the barbituric and combined (using barbiturates and other narcotic drugs), anesthesia is administered with 5-10 ml of solution (adult); If the effect is insufficient or lack thereof, injections are repeated at intervals of 2 to 3 minutes until the reflexes recover, deepen or completely restore breathing, normalize the pulse and blood pressure. The total amount of the drug administered depends on the severity of the poisoning and the general condition of the patient. The appearance of convulsive twitching of the limbs serves as a signal for stopping the administration of the drug.

When bemegrid is administered to children, the dose is reduced by as much as the body weight of the child is less than the average adult body weight.

Injections of bemegrid can be combined with the introduction of mezaton, caffeine and other cardiovascular agents.

Bemegrid as an analeptic injected into the vein 2 - 5 ml of a 0.5% solution.

When using bemegrida in cases of acute poisoning with barbiturates, other necessary measures are carried out simultaneously: gastric lavage (taking barbiturates orally), intravenous administration of glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution, use of antibiotics if necessary to prevent infection, etc.

In case of an overdose of the drug, nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching, convulsions are possible.

Bemegrid contraindicated in psychomotor agitation.

Product: 0.5% solution of bemegrid in isotonic sodium chloride solution in ampoules of 10 ml (10 ml contain 0.05 g of the drug).

Storage: List B.