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Description medications: Ditiazanin (Dithiazaninum)

DITIAZANIN LDithiazaninum um). 3-Ethyl-2- [5 '- (3 "-ethyl-2-benzotiazoliniliden) - 1, Z'-pentadienyl) -benzotiazoly iodide.

Synonyms: Anelmid, Delves, Dithiazanini iodidum, Helmisin, Netocyd, Telmecid, Telmid and others.

Ditiazanin refers to the group of dyes (cyanine blue dye). Like other quaternary ammonium compounds it is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The high concentration in the gut after ingestion creates favorable conditions for the exposure to intestinal helminths.

Effective against trihotsefaleze, strongyloidiasis, ascariasis, enterobiosis.

The drug is often used to treat trihotsefaleze and strongyloidiasis.

Accepted inside (during or after eating). The dose for adults: 1 day 0.1 g 1, in the 2nd day to 0.1 g 2 times, then 0.1 grams 3 times per day (sometimes 0.6 grams per day).

Duration of treatment 5 - 10 days. The total dose rate of 1 to 5 g, sometimes up to 3 g daily dose for children 0.005 - 0.01 g / kg (5 - 10 mg / kg).

Ditiazanin can be administered in small doses, in combination with naftamonom or oxygen.

When using ditiazanina possible phenomena of irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, suppression of appetite, diarrhea. It may occur renal failure.

Due to possible side effects ditiazanin used in a hospital environment.

When the blue color of urine treatment is stopped (the chair is always painted in teal or blue).

Contraindications: erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed violations of the liver and kidney, infectious diseases.