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Description medications: Pirviny pamoate (Pyrvinii pamoas)

PIRVINY pamoate (Pyrvinii pamoas). 6-Dimethylamino-2- [2 - (2, 5-dimethyl - 1 - phenyl-3-pyrrolyl) vinyl] - 1 - methyl-quinolin-4, 4-methylene-bis (3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate).

Synonyms: Vankvin, Vankin, Alnoxin, Avermol, Helvin, Neo -Oxypaat, Pamovin, Pamoxa, Pirvil, Polyquil, Povan, Povanyl, Primon, Pyrvin, Vanquil, Vanquin, Vermolfin and others.

Red crystalline solid. Insoluble in water.

Like ditiazaninu relates to cyanine dyes. It is also a quaternary ammonium compound and is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

It has high efficiency at enterobioze. On the other helminths (whipworms, opistorhisov, roundworm, etc.) The drug has no effect.

Assign inside (in the form of pills or suspension) once after breakfast at the rate of 5 mg (base) per 1 kg of body weight (1 tablet or 1 teaspoon of suspension per 10 kg body weight). If necessary, the treatment can be repeated with an interval of 2 - 3 weeks (a total of 2 - 3 times).

Strict observance of hygienic regime.

The drug is generally well tolerated. In some cases, possible headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, in rare cases, vomiting.

Contraindications: intestinal diseases; Caution is needed in the human liver and kidneys.

Before the drug stool painted in bright red.

Method of issuance: pills to 0.05 g (50 mg) at the rate of the drug on the base; suspension (dark red) containing 1 ml of 0.01 g (10 mg) in a package of 100 ml.

Recently, with the advent of more effective drugs (mebendazole, pyrantel) pirviny pamoate use is relatively limited.