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Description of the medicine: Pumpkin seeds (Semina Cucurbitae)

PUMP SEED (Semina Cucurbitae).

Mature, purified from the remains of the flesh of the pericarp and dried non-heated seeds of annual cultivated pumpkin plants (Cucurbita pepo L.), large pumpkin (Сucurbita maxima Duch.) And muscat squash (Сucurbita mochata Duch.), Sem. Pumpkin (Сucurbitaceae).

Pumpkin seeds are effective to a certain extent against various banded worms (bovine, pig and dwarf chain, wide ribbon, etc.). By activity, they are inferior to modern synthetic drugs, but do not have toxic effects and do not cause side effects.

They are prescribed mainly with poor tolerability of other antihelminthic drugs.

2 days before the application of pumpkin seeds, the patient is prescribed an enema in the morning and the salt laxative the day before. On the day of treatment, an enema is placed on an empty stomach irrespective of the presence of a stool.

Use pumpkin seeds in two ways. 1. Raw or air-dried pumpkin seeds are peeled from the hard peel, leaving the inner green shell; 300 g of peeled seeds (for adults), grind small portions in a mortar, after the last portion, the mortar is washed with 50-60 ml of water and poured into a bowl with ground seeds; You can add 50 - 100 g of honey or jam and mix thoroughly. The received mixture of the patient takes on an empty stomach, lying in bed, in small portions for an hour; After 3 hours they give a laxative, then in half an hour, regardless of the action of the intestine, they put an enema. Eating is permitted after a stool caused by an enema or laxative.

At day time appoint 75 to 75 years for children 3 to 4 years, 100 g for 5 to 7 years, 150 g for 8 to 10 years, and 200 to 250 years for 18 to 15 years. 2. Pumpkin seeds are ground together with a peel in a meat grinder or a mortar , Poured with a double amount of water and evaporated for 2 hours on a light fire in a water bath, not bringing to a boil; The broth is filtered through gauze; After which the oil film is removed from the surface of the broth. The whole broth is taken on an empty stomach for 20 - 30 minutes. 2 hours after taking the decoction give a salt laxative.

Adults are given a decoction of 500 g of untreated seeds, children of 10 years from 3,000 g, 5 to 7 years from 200 grams, to 5 years from 100 to 150 g.

Seeds of pumpkin gymnosperm (not having a solid peel) apply without treatment for 150 - 200 g per reception; Use also a decoction of pumpkin seeds of gymnosperms (150 g of seeds per 450 ml of water, boiled in a water bath for an hour, cooled, filtered through a dense tissue, an adult dose of 400-450 ml of decoction) and an emulsion (150 g of seeds are triturated with the addition of 450 Ml of water, the dose for adults is 400-450 ml).

Product: in cardboard packs of 130 g.

Storage: in a dry place.