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Description medications: yodopiron (Iodopironum)

Yodopiron (Iodopironum).

Polivinilpirrolidonyoda complex mixture with potassium iodide. Tan amorphous powder, soluble in water (slowly).

Used in the form of 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% solutions as a germicide for the treatment of hands of the surgeon and the surgical field, as well as for the treatment of festering wounds.

For the treatment of hand surgery 0.1% solution was used for processing the surgical field and treatment of purulent wounds - 0.5% and 1% solutions.

yodopiron powder contains 6 - 8% available iodine. 1% solution (active iodine) in preparing pharmaceutical conditions; 0.1% and 0.5% solutions were prepared from a 1% solution immediately before use.

yodopiron powder is available in dark glass bottles of 150 g

Storage: List B. In dry, dark place. 1% solution was stored in bottles or cans dark glass not more than 2 months.