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Description of the medicine: Potassium permanganate (Kalii permanganas)


Synonyms: Potassium manganese, Kalium hypermanganicum.

Dark - or red - violet crystals or fine powder with a metallic luster. Soluble in water (1:18 in cold and 1: 3, 5 in boiling); Forms a solution of a dark purple color. When interacting with organic (coal, sugar, tannin) and easily oxidizable substances, an explosion may occur. It is a strong oxidizing agent.

They are applied as an antiseptic agent externally in aqueous solutions for washing the wounds (0.1-0.5%), for rinsing the mouth and throat (0.01 0.1%), for lubricating ulcer and burn surfaces (2 - 5%) , For syringing and washing in gynecological and urological practices (0.02 - 0.1%).

Solutions (0.02 - 0.1%) are also used for gastric lavage in cases of poisoning caused by ingestion of morphine, aconitine and other alkaloids, as well as phosphorus.

When poisoning with cocaine, atropine, barbiturates is ineffective. Oxidation of prussic acid under the influence of potassium permanganate occurs only in an alkaline medium.

Storage: in well ukuporennyh banks or in sealed tins and in small packaging (for individual use).

Rp .: Sol. Kalii permanganatis 0.1% 500 ml

DS For washing wounds

Rp .: Sol. Kalii permanganatis 1% 20 ml