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Description of the medicine: Salicylic acid (Acidum salicylicum)

SALICYLIC ACID (Acidum salicylicum). Ortho-Oxy-benzoic acid.

White small needle crystals or light crystalline powder odorless. It is slightly soluble (1: 500) in cold water, soluble (1: 5) in hot, easily soluble in alcohol (1: 3).

Apply externally as an antiseptic, distracting, irritating and keratolytic agent in powder (2 - 5%) and 1-10% ointments, pastes, alcohol solutions (1% and 2%).

Storage: in a well ukuporennoy packaging, protects from the effects of light.

Rp .: Sol. Ac. Salicylici spirituosae 1% 40 ml

DS Outdoor. To lubricate the skin (with infected skin lesions)

Rp .: Ac. Salicylici 1, 0

Zinci oxydati

Amyli Tritici aa 12, 5

Vaselini ad 60.0.

Mf pasta

DS Exterior (Lassar paste, salicylic-zinc paste)

Galmaninum. Powder containing acid salicylic 2 parts, zinc oxide 10 parts, talc and starch for 44 parts.

Apply with sweating feet.

Product: in boxes of 50 g.

Liquid is corn (Liquor ad clavos). Ingredients: salicylic acid and ethyl alcohol 95% 10 g, brilliant green 0.1 g, collodion 100 grams

Transparent syrupy liquid of green color with a characteristic smell of ether.

When applied to the skin, it dries quickly, leaving a film.

Apply to remove corns (by re-lubricating).

The form of release: in bottles-droppers on 10 or 15 ml.

Storage: in a cool place away from fire.

Callous plaster adhesive <Salipod >> (Emplastrum adhaesivum ad clavos <Salipodum>). Ingredients: salicylic acid 32, 8 g, sulfur precipitated 8, 1 g, natural rubber 22, 4 g, anhydrous lanolin 9 g, pine conifers 17,7 g and other substances up to 100 g.

Apply to strips of fabric 10 cm long and 6 or 2 cm wide; Cover with a protective layer of cellophane.

A piece of adhesive tape of the correct size is separated from the cellophane and strengthened on the calluses. Pre-make a warm bath and wipe your legs dry. Remove the band-aid after 2 days. If necessary, repeat the application of the patch 3 to 4 times, until the callus is softened and separated.

Product: in bags of paper.

The antimony ointment of the following composition is also available: salicylic acid, boric acid and lanolin anhydrous in 15 parts, petrolatum up to 100 parts.

For external use as an antiseptic for skin diseases are also produced: a) salicylic ointment 2% or 3% (Unguentum Acidi salicylici 2 aut 3%) on vaseline 25 g in glass jars; B) salicylic-zinc paste (Pasta Zinci salicylata) containing 2 grams of salicylic acid, zinc oxide and starch at 25 grams, vaseline 48 g (antiseptic, astringent and drying agent for skin diseases); C) salicylic-sulfuric-zinc paste composition: salicylic acid 0.6 g, sulfur purified 5 g, zinc paste 20 g; D) Salicylic-zinc paste with naphthalene ointment (in the ratio 1: 1).

As a keratolytic and fungicidal agent, an ointment containing salicylic acid 13, 33 parts, benzoic acid 6, 67 parts, petrolatum 8 parts is also produced.