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Description of the medicine: Boric acid (Acidum boricum)

Boric acid (Acidum boricum).

Colorless, shiny, slightly greasy to the touch scales or a fine crystalline powder. It is soluble in cold (1:25) and easily (1: 4) - in boiling water, soluble (1:25) in alcohol. Aqueous solutions have a weakly acid reaction.

Boric acid has antiseptic activity. When topical application (in the form of ointment) also has anti-pediculosis effect.

The drug penetrates well through the skin and mucous membranes, especially in young children; It is slowly excreted from the body and can accumulate in organs and tissues.

Previously, boric acid was widely used as an antiseptic in adults and children. Recently, in connection with the revealed side effects, restrictions have been introduced to its application.

Apply boric acid in adults. Assign in the form of 2% aqueous solution for washing the conjunctival sac with conjunctivitis; 3% solution is used for lotions with soaking eczema, dermatitis.

Alcohol solutions of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% are used in the form of drops with acute and chronic otitis (turundas moistened with solution injected into the auditory meatus), as well as for treating affected areas of the skin with pyoderma, eczema, diaper rash .

A solution of 10% in glycerol is used to lubricate the affected skin areas with diaper rash, as well as with colpitis.

After operations on the middle ear, insufflation of boric acid powder is sometimes used.

For treatment of pediculosis apply 5% boric ointment.

With the use of boric acid, especially with overdose and prolonged use and with violations of the kidneys, there may be acute and chronic toxic reactions: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, desquamation of the epithelium, headache, confusion, seizures, oliguria, in rare cases - shock state.

The use of boric acid is contraindicated in patients with impaired renal function, breast-feeding mothers, children (including newborns), pregnant women and individuals with intolerance. Do not apply drugs boric acid to the vast surface of the body.

Forms of release: powder in bags of 10 and 25 g; 0.5%; 1 % ; 2% and 3% alcohol solutions in 10 ml vials; 10% solution in glycerin in 25 ml vials. Aqueous solutions are prepared from powder ex tempore.

Storage: in a place protected from light.

Boric alcohol acid solution (Solutio Acidi borici spirituosa 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 5%). It contains 0.5; 1; 2; 3 or 5 g of boric acid, ethyl alcohol 70% to 100 ml. Apply as an antiseptic in the form of ear drops for 3 - 5 drops 2 - 3 times a day.

Product: in bottles of 10 ml.

A solution of boric acid 10% in glycerol (Solutio Acidi borici 10% in glycerino). Produced in vials of 25 g.

Liniment boron-zinc (Linimentum Boro-zincatum). Ingredients: boric acid 1 g, zinc oxide 10 g, sunflower oil 40 g. Apply externally, as an antiseptic and drying agent. It is produced in glass jars of 25 and 50 g.

Pasta boron-zinc-naftalannaya (Pasta Boro-zinci-naphthalani).