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Description medicines: formaldehyde solution (Solutio Formaldehydi)

Formaldehyde solution (Solutio Formaldehydi).

A solution containing 36 5 - 37 5% formaldehyde.

Synonyms: Formalin, Formalinum.

Clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor, miscible with water and alcohol in all proportions.

Used as a disinfectant and deodorant for washing hands, washing the feet of the skin with excessive sweating (0.5 - 1% solution), for the disinfection of instruments (0.5% solution), for douching (1: 2000 - 1: 3000).

Included in the LIZOFORM (cm.).

Storage: a well-sealed jars in a dark place at a temperature no lower than + 9 C

Rp .: Sol. Formaldehydi 50 ml

DS 1/2 teaspoon to 2 cups of water (for washing the feet of the skin)

Formidron (Formidronum). The liquid solution containing formaldehyde 10 parts ethyl alcohol 95 39%, 5 parts, 50 parts water, 0.5 parts cologne.

Apply to wipe the skin with excessive sweating.

Product: in bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Ointment formalin (Unguentum Formalini). Composition: Boric acid 5 g, 2 g of salicylic acid, 15 g of formalin, 14 g of glycerin, polyethylene oxide 62, 5 g, 1 perfume, 5 g

Ointments white with a faint smell of formalin and perfume.

Apply with excessive sweating. A small amount of rubbing ointment once a day in the armpits, interdigital folds.

The ointment should not be applied on the face to avoid irritation.

In inflammatory conditions of the skin ointment is contraindicated.

Product: 100 and 50 g tubes.