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Description medications: Strychnine (Strychninum)

Strychnine (Strychninum).

The main alkaloid seeds chilibuha (Strychnos nux-vomica), Sem. loganiaceae (Loganiaceae), growing in the tropical areas of Asia and Africa. chilibuha Seed (nut gag - semen Strychni; Nux vomica) contains, along with other alkaloids strychnine (brucine, etc..). Brucine and strychnine number is at least 2, 5%.

nitrate salt is used in medical practice - strychnine nitrate (Strychnini nitras).

Synonym: Strychninum nitricum.

Strychnine nitrate is a colorless lustrous needle crystals or a white crystalline powder. It has an extremely bitter taste. It is soluble in water (1:90 in cold) alcohol and readily soluble in boiling water (1: 5), is insoluble in ether. Aqueous solutions are neutral or slightly acid reaction. The solutions were sterilized at + 100 C for 30 min; 0.1% solution in ampoules acidified with 0.1N. hydrochloric acid, and has pH 3 0 - 3 7.

Strychnine and other drugs chilibuha excite the central nervous system and especially increases the reflex excitability. Under the influence of strychnine reflex reactions become more generalized, with large doses of strychnine various stimuli cause the appearance of severe painful tetanic convulsions.

At therapeutic doses, strychnine stimulates the senses (sharpens the sight, taste, hearing, tactile feeling), stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers, tones the skeletal muscles and the heart muscle, stimulates metabolic processes, increases the sensitivity of the retina eyes.

Action of strychnine due to the relief of interneuron excitation in the synapses of the spinal cord. It operates mainly in the neurons. According to modern concepts strychnine blocks the effects of amino acid neurotransmitters, mainly glycine, playing the role of inhibitory factors in the transfer of excitation in postsinapticheskik nerve terminals in the spinal cord. By blocking the inhibition of strychnine has so << >> exciting effect.

Apply strychnine as a tonic for a total decrease of metabolic processes, fatigue, hypotension, weakening of cardiac activity on the basis of intoxications and infections with certain functional disorders of the visual apparatus (amblyopia, amaurosis, and others.); with paresis and paralysis (in particular, the origin of diphtheria in children), and atony of the stomach, etc. Previously, it was widely used for the treatment of acute poisoning by barbiturates; Now for this purpose is mainly used Bemegride (cm.).

Assign inside (often pills) and under the skin (0.1% solution). The usual adult dose of 0.0005 - 0.001 g (0.5 - 1 mg) of 2 - 3 times a day. Children over 2 years appoint 0.0001 g (0.1 mg) - 0.0005 g (0.5 mg) to the reception, depending on age; up to 2 years is not appointed.

Higher doses for adults inside and under the skin: single 0,002 grams daily 0,005 g