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Description medications: Mercury oksitsianid (Hydrargyri oxycyanidum)

MERCURY OKSITSIANID (Hydrargyri oxycyanidum).

Synonyms: Mercury oksitsianistaya, Mercury cyanide basic, Hydrargyrum oxycyanatum.

White or slightly yellowish powder. It is soluble in water, practically insoluble in alcohol and ether. Aqueous solutions are alkaline.

Like other drugs mercury, it has disinfectant properties. Before the advent of modern antibacterial agents (. Sulfonamides, etc.) relatively widely used for washing (in the form of iodine solution 1: 5000 - 1:10 000) with ophthalmia, gonorrhea, conjunctivitis, cystitis and other diseases. Currently it has limited application.

Available in powder form in the jars of orange.

Storage: List A. In a cool, dark place.

Note. When grinding the powder explosive.