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Description of the medicine: Copper sulfate (Cupri sulfas)

COPPER SULFATE (Cupri sulfas). Synonyms: Copper sulfate, Copper sulfate, Cuprum sulfuricum. Blue crystals or a blue crystalline powder, odorless, metallic taste. Easily soluble in water (1: 3 in cold and 1: 8 in boiling). Solutions have a slightly acidic reaction.

Sometimes used as antiseptic and astringent in the form of 0.25% solution with conjunctivitis, sometimes for washing with urethritis and vaginitis.

When skin burns with phosphorus, the burned area is heavily moistened with a 5% solution of copper sulfate. This leads to the formation of insoluble phosphorous copper and the partial reduction of copper sulfate to metallic copper, which forms a film on the surface of white phosphorus particles. When poisoning with white phosphorus taken orally, 0.3-0.5 g of copper sulfate is given inside into 1/2 cups of warm water and gastric lavage with a 0.1% solution. Previously, copper sulfate was administered inside as a vomiting agent (15-50 ml of a 1% solution).

Due to the fact that copper refers to microelements contained in the body, which play a role in metabolic processes, recently copper preparations have been used for general effect on the body. Copper sulfate is therefore included in a number of complex multivitamin preparations: tablets << Kvadevit >>, << Glutamevit >>, << Oligovit >>, << Complivit >>, etc.

Small doses of copper sulfate are sometimes prescribed to enhance erythropoiesis in anemia (5 to 15 drops of a 1% solution in milk 2 to 3 times a day during meals).

There are data on the effectiveness of copper sulfate in the treatment of vitiligo patients. Assign inside 5 to 15 drops of 0.5-1% solution 3 times a day during meals, in combination with photoprotective drugs (see) and corticosteroids.

The highest single dose of copper sulfate inside for adults 0.5 g (once - as an emetic).

Storage: List B. In a well ukuporennoy container.