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Description medications: ethacridine lactate (Aethacridini lactas)

Ethacridine lactate (Aethacridini lactas). 2-Ethoxy-6, 9-diaminoacridine lactate.

Synonyms: rivanola, Acricidum, Acrinol, Acrinolin, Ethodin , Rivanolum.

Yellow crystalline powder, bitter taste, and odorless. Slightly soluble in cold water (1:50), lighter - a hot, slightly soluble in alcohol (1: 100). Aqueous solutions are unstable, especially in the light (turn brown).

Use freshly prepared solutions should be.

It has antimicrobial effects, mainly infections caused by cocci, particularly streptococci. Ethacridine lactate-toxic, non-irritating fabrics.

Applied as an external preventive and curative antiseptic in surgical, gynecological, urologic, ophthalmologic, dermatological, ENT practice. For processing and treatment of infected wounds and fresh aqueous solution are 0.05% (1: 2000); 0.1% (1: 1000), 0.2% (1: 500) for washing the pleural and peritoneal cavities with purulent peritonitis and pleurisy, and used at 0.05 suppurative arthritis and cystitis - 0.1% solutions. When boils, carbuncles, abscesses appoint 0,1 - 0,2% solutions in the form of lotions, tampons. For washing postpartum uterine consumed 0.1% solution in coccal conjunctivitis - 0.1% solution as eye drops. When inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, nose designate rinsing or 0.1% solution of greasing mucosa 1% solution.

In dermatological practice using 2, 5% powder, ointment 1%, 5 to 10% paste.

Washing cavities contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys, Accompanying albuminuria.

Method of issuance: powder; tablets comprising ethacridine lactate and 0.01 g boric acid 0.09 g; 0.1% alcoholic solution; 3% ointment (25 g).

Storage: List B. The well-closed container (ointment - in a cool place).

Ointment Konkova (Unguentum Koncovi). Composition: a) ethacridine 0.3 g, 35 g of fish oil, honey bee 65 g, distilled water 1, 5 g; b) 0.3 g of ethacridine, fish oil 33, 5 g, 62 g of honey bee, birch tar 3 g of distilled water and 100 g (tar ointment Kon'kova).

Apply externally with weak healing wounds, pyoderma.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry, dark place.