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Description of the medicine: Birch tar (Pix liquida Betulae, Oleum Rusci)

TEN BIRCH (Pix liquida Betulae, Oleum Rusci). The product is a dry distillation of the outer bark (selected birch bark) of the birch. Dense oily non-sticky liquid with a specific mild odor, black. Miscible with ether, chloroform; Dissolves in solutions of caustic alkalis. The relative density is 0.925-0.950.

Contains phenol, toluene, xylene, resins and other substances. Has a disinfectant, insecticidal and local irritating effect.

It is an integral part of Wilkinson's ointment, a balsamic liniment in A.V. Vishnevsky and others.

It is sometimes used in the form of externally produced ointments, liniments for the treatment of skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, scaly lichen, trichophytosis of smooth skin, scabies, etc.

The therapeutic effect can be considered not only as a result of local action (improving the blood supply of tissues, stimulating the regeneration of the epidermis, strengthening the processes of keratinization, etc.), but also as a consequence of reflex reactions arising from stimulation of skin receptors (see Means containing essential oils, bitterness containing Poisons of bees and snakes, etc.).

With prolonged use of tar, skin irritation is possible.

Rp .: Picis liquidae

Sulfuris praecipitati aa 5, 0

Vaselini 50,0

Mf ung.

DS Outdoor

Rp .: Picis liquidae

Pastae Zinci ad 30,0

Mf ung.

DS Outdoor

Rp .: Picis liquidae 1, 5

Ung. Paraffini 15, O

Mf lin.

DS Exterior (tar oil)

Rp .: Picis liquidae

Saponis viridis aa 15, O

Spiritus aethylici 95% 15 ml

Mf lin.

DS Exterior (soap-alcoholic alcohol)

Liniment balsamic according to A.V. Vishnevsky (Linimentum balsamicum Wishnevsky). Synonym: Ointment of Vishnevsky. Composition: tar 3 parts, xerogene 3 parts, castor oil 94 parts.

Applied in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, pressure sores, etc.

Has antiseptic properties; Has a weak irritant effect on the receptors of tissues, contributes to the acceleration of the regeneration process.

Product: in bottles of 100 g.

Rp .: Lin. Balsamici Wishnevsky 100.0

DS For lubricating pressure sores

Ointment Wilkinson (Unguentum Wilkinsoni). Composition: tar 15 parts, calcium carbonate (chalk precipitated) 10 parts, sulfur purified 15 parts, naftalannoy ointment 30 parts, green soap 30 parts, water 4 parts. Ointment dark brown color, with the smell of tar.

Applied as antiseptic and antifungal and antiparasitic agent locally, in adults.

Apply to affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 to 12 days, with trichophytosis - up to 3 weeks.

When scabies are rubbed into the skin of the entire body, except the scalp and face, once a day for 3 days. After a one-day break, wash the skin with soap and water and change the laundry. If necessary, repeat treatment.

In case of treatment, skin irritation is possible. With prolonged use of the ointment, arthropathies sometimes develop. In these cases, further treatment with ointment is stopped.

The use of ointment is contraindicated in eczema in the acute stage, with violations of kidney function.

Product: in tubes of 40 g and in glass jars.

Storage: in a cool place.