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Description of the medicine: Ichthyolum


Ammonium salt of sulfonic acids of shale oil (Ammonium sulfoichthyolicum).

Synonyms: Bitaminolum, Bithiolum, Ichtham, Ichthyolammonium, Ichtyopan, Ichtyosulfol, Isarol.

Almost black, in a thin layer of brown syrupy liquid with a peculiar sharp odor and taste. Soluble in water, glycerin, partly in alcohol and ether. The aqueous solutions of ichthyol are strongly foamed during shaking.

Ichthyol contains 10.5% organically bound sulfur. Incompatible in solutions with iodide salts, alkaloids and heavy metal salts.

It has anti-inflammatory, local-healing and some antiseptic properties.

Applied externally with skin diseases (burns, erysipelas, eczema, etc.), with neuralgia, arthritis, etc. in the form of 10 - 20% ointment or water-alcohol and glycerin lotions and rubbing (10 - 30%). In inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs appoint ichthyol suppositories or tampons moistened with 10% glycerol solution of ichthyol.

Form of ichthyol release: in glass jars.

10% and 20% of ichthyol ointment (Unguentum ichthyoli) on vaseline are produced; Candles with ichthyol (Suppositoria cum Ichthyolo): ichthyol 0.2 g, bases for suppositories 1, 2 g; Appoint at metritis, parametrite, salpingitis, prostatitis, etc .; Enter after cleansing enema or spontaneous cleansing of the intestine.

Rp .: Ung. Ichthyoli 10% (20%) 25, 0

DS Ointment (for eczema)

Rp .: Ichthyoli 10.0

Ac. Salicylici 5, 0

Ol. Terebinthinae 10.0

Lanolini 100.0

Mf ung.

DS Ointment (for rubbing with arthritis)

Rp .: Sol. Ichthyoli 10% in glycerino 25 ml

DS Outdoor (for rubbing)

Rp .: Supp. Cum Ichthyolo 0.2 N. 10

DS 1 candle in the rectum 1 - 2 times a day

The previously released ichthyol-naftalannaya paste is excluded from the nomenclature of medicines.