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Description of the medicine: Naphthalan refined oil (Naphthalanum liquidum raffinatum)

OIL REFINED OIL (Naphthalanum liquidum raffinatum).

A complex mixture of hydrocarbons and resins. A thick syrupy liquid of black color with greenish fluorescence, with a peculiar smell, a weakly acid reaction.

The relative density is 0.925-0.960. It does not mix with water. Easily soluble in gasoline, chloroform, benzene. Miscible with glycerin, oils, fats.

Ointment naftalannaya (Unguentum Naphthalani). It is a mixture of refined naphthalan oil (70 parts) with paraffin (18 parts) and petrolatum (12 parts). A homogeneous black color that has the smell of naftalan oil. In water it is insoluble, but when rubbed it mixes up to 35% with water; Little soluble in alcohol. Miscible when rubbed with glycerin, oils and fats.

Liniment of naphthalan oil (Linimentum Naphthalani liquidi). 10% liniment of refined naphthalan oil in water. Syrup-like liquid of black color with greenish fluorescence, with a peculiar smell, weakly acid reaction; With water it does not mix.

When Naftalan oil and its preparations are exposed to the skin and mucous membranes, its emollient, absorbable, disinfectant and some analgesic effect is noted.

Like other agents used topically, it can reflexively have a general effect on the body.

Apply skin at various skin conditions (eczema, neurodermatitis, furunculosis, erysipelas, etc.), inflammatory diseases of the joints and muscles (arthritis, osteoarthritis, myalgia, etc.), with neuralgias, neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, burns, ulcers, pressure sores And others.

Assign independently or in combination with other drugs in the form of ointments, pastes, suppositories.

Emulsion of naphthalan is also used for douching, compresses, tampons, baths.

Ointment sulfur-naftalannaya (Unguentum Naphthalani sulfuratum). Contains ointments naftalannoy 2 parts, sulfur purified 1 part.

Form of issue: in banks by the year 03

Ointment zinc-naftalannaya with anestezinom (Unguentum Zinci-naphthalani cum Anesthesino). Ingredients: naphthalene ointment 15, 8 g, zinc ointment 79, 2 g, anesthesin 5 g.

Product: in glass jars of 25 g.

Paste boron-zinc-naftalannaya (Rasta Zinci-naphthalani borata). Ingredients: boric acid 1 part, zinc oxide and wheat starch in 5 parts, ointment naftalannoy 9 parts.

Product: in banks of 25 g.

Pre-emulsified zinc-cured paste and sulfur-zinc-naphthalene paste are excluded from the nomenclature of medicines.