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Description of the medicine: Lysozyme (Lysocim)


Enzyme protein nature (relative molecular weight of about 15,000). Contained in different tissues (liver, spleen) and fluids (in tears, saliva) of the body; Is found in a number of microorganisms.

For use as a medicine is obtained from the protein of chicken eggs.

Amorphous powder or porous mass of white color with a weak smell of acetic acid. It is difficultly soluble in water; Almost insoluble in alcohol; PH 2% solution 4, 2 - 5, 5.

The drug has a bacteriolytic effect. Has the ability to destroy polysaccharides microbial shell. Suppress the growth of gram-positive bacteria; Gram-negative bacteria are less sensitive to it. Along with antibacterial properties, the drug has the ability to stimulate the nonspecific reactivity of the body, have anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects.

Apply lysozyme in the treatment of chronic septic conditions and purulent processes, with burns, frostbites, conjunctivitis, corneal erosions, aphthous stomatitis and other infectious diseases.

The drug is nontoxic, does not irritate tissues and can be used with poor tolerability of other antibacterial drugs.

Apply topically, sometimes intramuscularly. Before use, dissolve the lysozyme contained in the vial in 2 - 3 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.25% solution of novocaine.

Locally used in ophthalmic practice 0.25% solution in the form of instillations 3 - 4 times a day for 3-7 days. In the treatment of chronic nonspecific lung diseases and in otorhinolaryngological practice, aerosols of 0.05% solution of 2-10 ml per session are used; Course of treatment 5 - 14 days.

For the treatment of burns, frostbites and purulent wounds, wipes moistened with 0.05% solution are applied.

Intramuscularly administered 150 mg 2 - 3 times a day for at least 7 days. If necessary, continue the introduction of up to 1 month.

The drug is usually well tolerated. With prolonged intramuscular injection (with chronic infections), blood clotting should be monitored.

Product: in hermetically ukuporennyh bottles, containing 50; 100 or 150 mg of lysozyme. Solutions are prepared exterm.

Storage: in a dry, protected from light place at a temperature not higher than + 0 С.