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Description of the medicine: Baliz-2 (Balysum-2)

BALIZ-2 (Balysum-2).

The preparation (0.8% aqueous solution), obtained by fermentation of certain strains of microorganisms (saccharomycetes).

Transparent, slightly yellowish liquid, odorless.

Has antibacterial activity against staphylococci, to a lesser extent - Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Stimulates reparative processes in wounds, promotes the rejection of necrotic masses.

Applied locally in the treatment of wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, abscesses, boils.

The preparation is heavily wetted with napkins and applied to wounds; Loosely bandage. You can wash the wound with a baliz with the help of an irrigator. Apply 1 - 2 times a day. Term of treatment is 7-10 days.

With the use of the drug, tenderness is possible; In these cases, apply for a few minutes a tissue moistened with 2% solution of novocaine.

Product: in glass bottles of 400 ml.

Storage: at a temperature of + 4 to + 8 ° C.