Attention! Information is for reference only!
Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
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Description of the medicine: Ointment colhamine 0.5% (Unguentum Colchamini 0,5%)

COLCHAIN ​​OIL 0.5% (Unguentum Colchamini 0.5%).

Homogeneous mass of light cream color with a barely noticeable greenish tinge.

Ingredients: colchamine 0.5 g, thymol 0.15 g, syntomycin 0.05 g, emulsifier 26 g, alcohol 6 g, water 67, 3 g (per 100 g of ointment).

Applied for the treatment of skin cancer (exophytic and endophytic forms of I and II stages). On the surface of the tumor and the surrounding tissue, a 0.5-1.0 cm section is applied with a spatula of 1, 0 - 1, 5 g of ointment, covered with a gauze pad and sealed with adhesive tape. The dressing is changed daily; With each dressing carefully remove the remnants of the ointment from the previous lubrication and disintegrating tumor tissue, produce a toilet in the circumference of the tumor. The disintegration of the tumor usually begins after 10 - 12 blur. The course of treatment lasts 18-25 days and only in some cases (with endophytic forms) - up to 30-35 days. After stopping the application of the ointment, apply an aseptic bandage for 10 to 12 days and make a thorough wound toilet.

There are data on the use of colchamine ointment in the treatment of skin warts of viral etiology.

The use of ointment is contraindicated in skin cancer III and IV stage with metastases. Do not apply colchamine ointment near the mucous membranes.

Colchamine penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes and in large doses can cause leukopenia and other side effects that can occur when the drug is administered orally.

Apply the ointment with caution: do not apply more than 1.5 grams at a time, it is systematically necessary to examine blood and urine.

At the first signs of toxic effect ointment is canceled, glucose, ascorbic acid, leukogen or other leukopoiesis stimulants are prescribed; If necessary, pour the blood.

Product: 25 g in cans of orange glass.

Storage: List A. In a cool, sheltered from the world place.