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Description of the medicine: Ecdistenum


Natural connection of the steroid structure, isolated from the roots and rhizomes of levzeya safflower (rapontikum safflower).

White with a creamy hue of crystalline powder. It is slightly soluble in water, it is difficult - in alcohol. Has a tonic effect (see Leuzea liquid extract), increases physical performance. Enhances the biosynthesis of protein in the body. Hormone-like properties (despite the similarity in structure with steroid compounds) does not possess.

Applied in adults as a tonic for asthenic and asthenodepressive conditions associated with the weakening of protein-synthesizing processes, with prolonged intoxications, infections, neurasthenia, neuroses, hypotension; During intense sports training, etc.

Take inside (before eating) to 0,005 - 0,01 g 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 15 - 20 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after a 1 - 2-week break.

When using ecdysten in patients with a labile nervous system, insomnia, an increase in blood pressure, is possible. In these cases, reduce the dose or stop the evening intake of the drug.

The drug is contraindicated for nervous excitement, insomnia, hypertension, a tendency to hyperkinesia.

Form release: tablets to 0,005 grams (5 mg).

Storage: List B. In a dry, sheltered from the world.