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Description medicines: L-asparaginase (Asparaginasum)

L-asparaginase (Asparaginasum).

Asparaginase (L-asparaginase) is an enzyme. It is formed by different strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli). The purified form is a white powder, easily soluble in water. Activity is expressed in international units of (IU).

Available in bottles in a lyophilized form.

Synonyms: Krasnitin, Leynaza, Crasnitinum, Leunase.

L-asparaginase has antileukemic activity. It is believed that the anti-tumor effect is associated with the ability of the enzyme asparaginase (L-asparaginaminogidrolazy) disrupt the metabolism of the amino acid asparagine, leukemia cells necessary for their development. Primarily asparagine deficiency affects cell membranes.

Apply L-asparaginase alone or in combination with other drugs for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, lymphosarcoma and retinulosarkome.

Since the mechanism of action differs from asparaginase other anticancer drugs, in some cases, it is effective when using other inconclusive antitumor agents.

A solution of L-asparaginase is administered intravenously or as a slow infusion. For jet injection vial contents diluted drug in 20 - 40 ml, and for drip (for Z0 - 40 min) in 150 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Single dose for adults and children is 200 - 300 IU / kg. Heading dose for adults Z00 000 - 400 000 IU; Children dose is reduced body weight, respectively. The drug is administered daily for 28 - 30 days. If the 3rd week no improvement occurs, then the L-asparaginase therapy in this patient should be considered unpromising.

In all forms of acute leukemia and generalized forms gematosarkom with blastosis in peripheral blood and bone marrow, the drug is prescribed, regardless of peripheral blood. In other cases, treatment is initiated when the amount of leukocytes in peripheral blood of at least 3 x 10 9 / L and platelets - 100 x 10 9 / L.

Use of the drug may be associated with side effects: fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headache, allergic reactions, abnormal liver function, and pancreas; long-term use may decrease blood levels of fibrinogen and a tendency to hemorrhage.

In the treatment of L-asparaginase must be at least 1 time per week to investigate the blood levels of cholesterol, total protein, protein fractions, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, and others. When sudden changes in these indicators, use of the drug is stopped. It should also remove the drug at a level below 60% of prothrombin, fibrinogen concentration below 3 g / L and an increase in bleeding time.