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Description of the medicine: Triombrast 60% and 76% for injections (Triombrastum 60% et 76% pro injectionibus)

TRIOMBRAST 60% and 76% FOR INJECTIONS (Triombrastum 60% and 76% pro injectionibus).

Triombrast (acid) is a triiodide-containing drug.

Triombrast for injection are aqueous solutions containing mixtures of sodium and methyl glucamine triombrastate salts (3,5-diacetylamino-2,4,6-triiodobenzoic acid) in a ratio of 1: 6, 6. Similar foreign preparations are issued under the names: Verografin, Urografin, Urotrast .

Sodium salt 3, 5 of diacetylamino -2,4,6-triiodobenzoic acid was previously produced as a radiopaque agent called triombrin.

Methylglucamine salt of this acid is produced abroad under the name "Perographic".

Transparent colorless or light yellow liquid; PH 6, 5-7, 7; 1 ml of a 60% solution contains 292 mg of iodine, 1 ml of a 76% solution of 370 mg of iodine.

Applied for X-ray examination of blood vessels and heart (angiocardiography, aortography, arteriography, selective angiography, etc.), kidneys, urinary tract.

The drug is rapidly excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Depending on the indications, enter triombrast intravenously or in the cavity (in the bladder, renal pelvis).

Prior to the use of the drug, the individual sensitivity of the patient to iodine is investigated, for which on the eve of the application a triombrast is injected into the vein (very slowly) in an amount of no more than 1 ml (taking into account the age of the patient). In case of hypersensitivity (the occurrence of itching, urticaria, runny nose, edema, general malaise, tachycardia, respiratory depression, cyanosis, etc.), the drug is contraindicated.

With angiocardiography, apply up to 60 ml of a 76% solution of triombrast (10-30 ml per second is administered); When aortography is introduced into the aorta 30 - 60 ml 76% solution of the drug (10 - 30 ml / s); In peripheral arteriography, 60% solution of the preparation in an amount of 10-20 ml is injected intraarterially on the upper extremity, 20-40 ml (8-12 ml / s) on the lower limb; With flebography used intravenously - on the upper limb 10 - 20 ml of 60% solution of triombrast, on the lower limb - 20-40 ml (3 - 5 ml / s); With splenoportografii injected into the spleen Z0 - 50 ml 76% solution of the drug (8 ml / s).

In urinary tract examination, 20 ml of 60% triombrast (0.3 ml / s) is used for excretory urography; Sometimes 40-60 ml of 60% or 76% solution (0.3 ml / s) is administered intravenously to an adult.

For infusion urography, a mixture of 80 ml of 60% and 76% of triombrast solutions with 80 ml of 5% glucose solution (20-30 drops per minute) is injected into the vein.

For retrograde pyelography and cystography, dilute the triombrast with isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution to 30% solution. For pyelography, a solution (usually 3 to 8 ml) is injected through the catheter into the urinary tract at low pressure under an X-ray visual control; For cystography, 100-200 ml of solution is injected into the bladder.

With the introduction of triombrast, a sensation of fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, cyanosis.