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Description of the medicine: Etiotrast (Aethyotrastum)

ETHIOTRAST (Aethyotrastum).

Ethyl 10- (para-iodophenyl) -undecanoic acid ester.

Synonyms: Miodil, Ethiodan, Iofendytate, Mulsopaque, Myelodil, Myodil, Pantopaque.

Transparent colorless or light yellow viscous liquid.

Almost nerastvorim in water, very easily soluble in alcohol.

The drug has radiopaque properties and is used for myelography (for diagnosis of changes in the spinal cord, its membranes and roots, articular-ligamentous apparatus of the spine) and lymphography (for examination with suspicion of metastasis in the lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage disorders, etc.).

Before the introduction of the etiotrust, the sensitivity of the patient to iodine is investigated, using for this not the etiotrust, but a water-soluble preparation (see Triombrast for injection).

To study the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord (myelography), etiotrust is administered endolumbally or in the occipital cistern (depending on the purpose of the study and the localization of the pathological process). The drug is administered within 10 - 15 s in a dose of 1, 5 - 3, 0 - 6, 0 - 9, O ml. At the end of the study, the etiotrust is removed as far as possible from the spinal canal through the needle, sucking it into the syringe). The remaining drug dissolves very slowly.

For lymphography, etiotrust is injected directly into the peripheral lymphatic vessel of the lower or upper limb at a dose of 0.15 ml / kg (1 ml for 10 min). The total amount of the drug should not exceed 15 ml when administered to the vessels of the lower limbs and 7 ml - in the vessels of the upper extremities.

With the introduction of etiotrast, body temperature, fever, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the spine or along the lymphatic pathways, allergic reactions, lowering of blood pressure may occur. In addition, it is possible (especially with an overdose of the drug) and more severe complications: in myelography, arachnoiditis, convulsive seizures; With lymphography - pneumonia, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary edema, pulmonary heart failure, collapse, thrombosis of the brain vessels.

Contraindications to the use of etiotrast are idiosyncrasy to iodine preparations, acute inflammatory processes of the brain and spinal cord, the presence of blood or bilirubin in the cerebrospinal fluid, severe damages of the liver parenchyma, kidneys, myocardium, hyperthyroidism, active tuberculosis, myeloma (multiple myeloma), cardiovascular Decompensation, hypertension in the stage of decompensation, pulmonary insufficiency, shock, collapse, general severe condition of the patient, cachexia.

Form release: etiotrust for injection (Aethyotrastum pro injectionibus) in ampoules of 3 ml.

Storage: in a place protected from light.

A chromo-etho-drug preparation containing etiotrust and anthraquinone dyes is allowed for use in lymphography (see Chromolymphotrust).