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Description of the medicine: Iodolipolum

IODOLIPOL (Iodolipolum). Synonyms: Iodatol, Iodipin, Iodolein, Lipiodol. Iodized oil. Oily liquid of yellow or brownish-yellow color. Almost nerastvorim in water, very little soluble in alcohol. It smells like castor oil.

Miscible in any ratio with ether, chloroform. Contains 29% of iodine.

Applied as a contrast agent or radiological examination of the trachea and bronchi, uterus and fallopian tubes (bronchography, metro- and salpingography).

For bronchography, the drug is injected through a catheter inserted through the nasal cavity into the trachea (under the control of an X-ray study). Preliminary produce a thorough anesthesia of the posterior pharynx, trachea, bifurcation of the trachea and bronchi.

Adults first inject 2 - 5 ml iodolipol and gradually add up to 10 - 20 ml (more than 20 ml for one side do not apply).

Children aged 10 - 12 years old enough to enter up to 8 ml, and young children - 3 - 5 ml.

To better fill the individual parts of the lung, the patient is given an appropriate position.

In one case, explore only one side.

The second side is examined not earlier than in 5-6 days.

When coughing iodolipol, the patient should not swallow it. The intake of food and drink is allowed no earlier than 2 to 3 hours after the study.

Bronchography with iodolipol is contraindicated in patients with a general severe condition, with cardiac decompensation, aneurysm of the thoracic part of the aorta, bilateral diffuse emphysema of the lungs, with acute, severe inflammatory processes in the lungs.

For metro- and salpingography, 3-4 ml of the drug is injected into the uterine cavity. The first picture is taken immediately after the injection, the second (to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes) - after 10 - 15 minutes.

After 15-20 minutes after administration, the majority of the drug is excreted as a result of uterine contraction. Part of the drug left in the uterus cavity dissolves. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the tubes and endothelium of the cavity is not noted.

Product: in ampoules of 5; 10 and 20 ml.

Storage: in sealed ampoules in a cool, dark place.

During storage, the formation of a slight slurry is possible; After shaking, the liquid should be clear when viewed in passing daylight.