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Description of the drug: Barium sulfate for fluoroscopy (Barii sulfas pro roentgeno)

BARIUM SULFATE FOR X-RAY SURGERY (Barii sulfas pro roentgeno).

Synonym: Barium sulfuricum.

White thin loose powder without odor and taste. Insoluble in water, practically insoluble in dilute acids, alkalis, organic solvents.

Applied internally as a suspension in water, as a contrast agent in the radiographic examination of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. It is prescribed completely <Varium sulfuricum rro rogengeno> in order to avoid the release from the pharmacy of sulfur barium (Ваrium sulfuratum BaS) or other soluble barium salts (Barium sulfurosum - ВаSO 3, Вarium сarbonicum - ВаСО 3), which, in contrast to barium sulfate, have high toxicity.

The suspension is prepared on distilled water immediately before use.

Product: powder in a package of 100 g.

Storage: in a dry place in the original packaging.