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Description of the medicine: Valpromide (Valpromide)

VALPROMID (Valpromide).

Amino derivative of valproic acid.

By the mechanism of action and properties, it is close to acetidipole (see).

Applied with epilepsy with mental disorders (additional remedy), for the prevention of exacerbations of manic-depressive psychoses (in the presence of contraindications to lithium preparations) and aggressive conditions.

Assign inside (during eating) from 0.3 to 1.8 grams per day (in 2 divided doses).

Possible side effects: weakness, disorientation in time, time, delirium, confusion.

The drug is contraindicated for violations of the liver and pancreas, hemorrhagic diathesis.

It is not recommended to combine with carbamazepine.

Product: tablets of 0.3 g.