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Description medications: zuclopenthixol (Zuclopentixol)

Zuclopenthixol (Zuclopentixol).

(Z) -4- [3- (2-chlorothioxanthen-9-ylidene) propyl] -1-piperazine ethanol.

Synonyms: klopiksol, klopiksol-akufaz, Clopixol, Clopixol-accuphase.

On chemical structure similar to hlorprotiksenu; It differs only in the side chain by replacing dimethylamine radical on oksietilpiperazinovy ​​typical for a number of other antipsychotic drugs (see. Etaperazin, fluphenazine, etc.).

Like hlorprotiksenu, zuclopenthixol has antipsychotic and sedative effect.

The indications for use are basically the initial forms of acute and chronic psychosis in the acute phase.

Depending on the dosage form of the drug used for the relief of psychoses and for long-term antipsychotic treatment.

For treatment of psychosis is usually administered intramuscularly (into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal region) klopiksol-akufaz at 0.05-0.15 g (50-150 mg), when necessary to repeat the injection after 1-3 days.

Supportive therapy may be carried out using tablets in a daily dose of 0.01-0.05 g (50-150 mg) or intramuscular zuclopenthixol decanoate (cm.).

The drug is well tolerated, however, as well as the application of neuroleptics, extrapyramidal disorders may develop. In addition, marked drowsiness, dry mouth, accommodation disturbance, constipation, urinary retention, orthostatic hypotension, and other side effects.

Caution must be exercised with convulsive disorders, chronic hepatitis, cardiovascular diseases.

The drug enhances the effect of oppressive central nervous system, reduces - levodopa; metoclopramide and piperazine increases the risk of extrapyramidal disorder.

Product: pills to 0,002; 0.01 and 0.025 g (2, 10, and 25 mg) (N.50,100); 5% oil solution of zuclopenthixol acetate in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml.

Storage: List B.