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Description drugs: Potassium bromide (Kalii bromidum)

Potassium bromide (Kalii bromidum).


Synonyms: Kalium bromatum, Potassium bromide.

Colourless or white shiny crystals or crystalline powder salty taste. Soluble in water (1: 1.7), less - in alcohol.

Assign only inside for the same indications and in the same doses as sodium bromide. The vein is not administered because of the possible inhibitory effect of potassium ions on the conductivity and excitability of the heart muscle. Often prescribed along with potassium iodide (cm.).

Method of issuance: powder and pills to 0.5 g

Storage: in well-closed container, protected from light.

For use in pediatric practice are available potassium bromide solution (1%, 2% and 3%) with fruit syrup (Solutio Kalii bromidi 1%, 2%, 3% cum sirupo fructuario) in glass bottles of 100 ml.

Rp .: Natrii bromidi

Kalii bromidi aa 4,0

Aq. Destill. 200 ml

MDS At 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.