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Description of the medicine: Morphilongum (Morphilongum)


Morphilong is a drug form of morphine hydrochloride, which has a prolonged action. It is used only intramuscularly.

It is a 0.5% solution of morphine hydrochloride in a 30% aqueous solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone with a molecular weight of 3500 5000.

Transparent viscous liquid of yellow color with a weak specific smell of polyvinylpyrrolidone, soluble in water and alcohol; PH 3, 5 - 4, 5. Contains in 1 ml of 0.0055 g (5, 5 mg) of morphine hydrochloride.

With intramuscular injection, there is a slow absorption of morphine, the analgesic effect usually develops in 30-40 minutes and lasts for 22-24 hours.

Morphilong is used in adults and children over 7 years in the postoperative period and with severe pain in cancer patients. Enter intramuscularly once a day at a rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

Possible side effects, precautions and contraindications are the same as for morphine.

The form of release: in ampoules of dark glass on 2 ml in packing on 5 pieces.

Storage: List A. In the dark place with observance of the rules of storage of narcotic substances.