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Description of the medicine: Leiprorelin (Leuprorelin)


Synonyms: Lucrin Depot, Prostap, Lucrin depot, Prostap.

6-D-Leucine-9- (N-ethyl-L-prolinamide) -10-deglycinamide-luteinizing hormone-releasing factor (porcine).

Analog of gonadotropin-releasing factor.

Available in the form of acetate (C 59 H 84 N 16 O 12 · C 2 H 4 O 2 ).

By action is close to Buserelina (see).

After intramuscular injection, leuprorelin is released from the copolymer within 1 month, during the first 7 days the content of sex hormones increases, and by 21-28 days it decreases and remains at this level with the subsequent administration of the drug.

Bioavailability is 75-98%, T S is 3 hours.

Applied with hormone-dependent prostate cancer, as well as in uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Available in the form of lyophilized microspheres in bottles of 3.75 and 7.5 mg, complete with a solvent. The drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously once a month: for prostate cancer - 3.75 or 7.5 mg; With uterine fibroids and endometriosis - 3.75 mg. The course of treatment is no more than 6 months.

Possible side effects: headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, indigestion, swelling of the face and legs, impaired vision and hearing, depression, decreased libido; In men - impotence, gynecomastia, reduction of testicles; In women - vaginitis, acne, hirsutism, decreased bone density.

The drug is contraindicated in hormone-independent prostate cancer.