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Description medications: dexrazoxane (Dexrazoxane)

Dexrazoxane (Dexrazoxane).

(+) - (S) -1,4-Propilendi-2,6-piperazinedione.

Synonym: Kardioksan, Cardioxan.

The white crystalline powder. It is soluble in water.

Cyclic analog of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid).

Chelates connection with iron and copper salts.

Penalized doxorubicin complexation - iron (and other anthracycline antibiotics and iron) and iron prevents free radicals mediate antitumor antibiotics of anthracycline cardiotoxicity.

Assign for the prevention of cardiomyopathy in the application of anthracycline antitumor antibiotics.

Administered intravenously to adults at a dose of 0.5 g / m 2 (0.5 g dissolved in 0.167 M sodium lactate solution to a concentration of 10 mg / ml or in 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution to a concentration of 1.3 -5 mg / ml) 30 minutes before intravenous injection of doxorubicin 50 mg / m2 or (scheme II) at a dose of 1 g / m 2 (0.5 g dissolved in 25 ml of water for injection, Ringer's solution, then lactate or sodium lactate to 250-500 ml) for 45-60 minutes before administration of doxorubicin (first 20-30 minute infusion, then 20-30 minute break). Dilute ex tempore. The solution is fit for 6 hours after preparation.

Possible side effects: dyspepsia, alopecia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, soreness at the injection site.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Product: dried powder for injection solutions in vials of 0.5 g complete with a solvent.

Storage: List B.