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Description drugs: orlistat (Orlistat)

Orlistat (Orlistat).

Synonym: Xenical, Xenical.

Synthetic analogue tetragidrolipostatina produced by Streptomyces toxytricini.

Inhibiting gastric, pancreatic and intestinal lipase blocks splitting triglycerides in the intestine, leading to reduced absorption and proceeds into the systemic circulation of free fatty acids and monoglycerides. Thus, the drug is fundamentally different from anorexigens - no effect on appetite, and absorption of fat in the gastrointestinal tract.

After ingestion misses the systemic circulation, it is displayed gradually (within 3-5 days) with feces mostly unchanged.

The drug has both hypocholesterolemic and gipotriglitseridemichekoe effect, improves glucose tolerance.

Assign orlistat background on a low calorie diet (containing less than 30% fat) in a dose of 0.12 g (1 capsule) three times a day - with every meal.

The drug is relatively well tolerated, but possible side effects sometimes make it difficult to use. In some cases, likely compelling urge to defecation, flatulence, oily discharge from the intestines, fecal incontinence, rare hypertension.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with chronic malabsorption, cholestasis, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood.

Product: 0.12 g capsules (N. 21).