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Description medications: phosphocreatine (Fosfocreatine)

Phosphocreatine (Fosfocreatine).

1- (2-hydroxyethyl) fosfatilguanidin hydrogenphosphate.

Synonyms: Kreatinolfosfat, Creatine phosphate, Neoton, Creatinfosfat, Neoton.

Phosphocreatine is a permanent integral part of muscle (including the myocardium). It plays an important role in ensuring the energy processes of contractile activity of muscles.

It improves myocardial metabolism, intracellular transport of energy, suppresses the degradation of the sarcolemma of ischemic cardiomyocytes.

Apply phosphocreatine produced synthetically, as a "metabolic" means in the complex treatment (and prevention) of various disorders of myocardial functional activity, including in patients with chronic heart failure.

Enter intramuscularly or intravenously 0.5-1 g 1-2 grams per day. In acute myocardial ischemia injected: in 1 day - 2 g bolus, followed by infusion of 4 g per hour for 2 hours; in the 2-6 th day - every day of 4-8 g

The drug is generally well tolerated, but with rapid intravenous possible drop in blood pressure.

Product: dried powder for injection solutions in vials of 0.5; 1; 2 and 5 g together with the solvent (in ampoules).