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Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
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Description of the medicine: Biclotymol (Biclotymol)

Biklotymol (Biclotymol).

2,2ґ-Methylenebis (6-chlorothymol).

Synonyms: Hexadrupps, Hexaspreys, Hexadreps, Hexaspray.

Antibacterial (antiseptic), mestnoanesteziruyuschee and anti-inflammatory agent, used topically for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Assign 1 lozenge for resorption (Heksadreps) or 2 doses of aerosol (Hexaspree) 3 times a day for no more than 10 days.

May cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindication: age to 6 years.

Form release: pastilles to 0.02 g (N. 12); Aerosol in cylinders of 30 g (0.75 g of the drug).

Hexalyse (Hexalyse). Sublingual tablets containing 0.005 g (5 mg) of biclotimol, lysozyme and enoxalone.

Apply for the same indications as biklotimol.