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Description medications: Vinylinum (Vinylinum)

Vinylinum (Vinylinum).

Polyvinyl ester.

Synonym: Shostakovskiy balm, Balzamum Schostakowsky.

Thick, viscous liquid light yellow color with a specific smell. Practically insoluble in water. Mixed with chloroform, ether, vegetable oils.

It provides enveloping, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect.

Apply externally (for wet wipes and applied directly on the wound surface) with boils, carbuncles, trophic ulcers, festering wounds, mastitis, soft tissue injuries, burns, frostbite, and inflammatory diseases. It promotes cleansing of wounds, tissue regeneration and epithelialization.

Inside (in the form of a solution or capsules) is prescribed for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and colitis, dysentery.

If a peptic ulcer is prescribed initially for 1 teaspoon, then 1 dessert spoon 1 times a day (at night) for 16-18 days, with hyperacidity and gastritis heartburn - within 10-12 days, with colitis and dysentery - by 25 40 ml through proctoscope within 3-9 days.

production: liquid for external use, and oral administration in bottles of 50 and 100 grams; capsules of 1.4 g (N.60).

Note. Vinylinum received inside at issue is subject to further analysis; it must not contain more than 8% moisture (preparation for external use up to 15%).

Rp .: Vinylini 20,0

Ol. Helianthi (s.ol. Persicorum) 80,0

MDS Outdoor (for wet wipes)

Included in the "Levovinizol" aerosol formulation (see.) And "Vinizol".