Attention! The information is for reference purposes!
Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
SITE GUIDE ONLY. Not a pharmacy! We do not sell drugs! Nothing!

Description medicines: Bile medical canned (Chole coservata medicata)

BILE MEDICAL canned (Chole coservata medicata).

The preparation containing natural bile of cattle or pigs.

The liquid from yellowish-brown to dark green in color with a specific smell, no precipitate (or flake or fine-grained sediment). It contains stabilizers and preservatives (ethyl alcohol, formalin, furatsilin).

External applied for acute and chronic arthritis, arthritis, bursitis, tenosynovitis, spondyloarthrosis, secondary radiculitis and other diseases as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and resolving local agent.

Assign in the form of compresses: 4 - 6 layers of gauze impregnated with the drug and placed on the skin in the affected area, cover with wax paper with a thin layer of cotton wool and fix the light bandage. When dry gauze moistened with water at room temperature and re-fix the bandage. Compresses changed daily. The course of treatment 6 - 30 days. If necessary, a second course after the break, 1 - 2 Months.

Side effects usually does not happen in some cases, a skin irritation that takes place to remove the drug. Contraindicated in violation of the integrity of the skin, inflammatory, pustular skin diseases, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis.

Product: in bottles of 50; 100 and 250 ml.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place. Before use, agitate.