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Description of the medicine: Alloximum


N-Allyl-2-pyridinaldoxime bromide. The structure is close to the dipiroxime.

White or white with a yellowish tinge of crystalline powder. Available in the form of lyophilized white or greyish-white porous mass and powder, soluble in water.

It is a reactant of cholinesterase. It is used for acute poisoning by organophosphorus compounds in combination with atropine or other anticholinergic drugs).

Enter intramuscularly once or repeatedly, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

Before use, the contents of the ampoule (0.075 g of the drug) are dissolved in 1 ml of sterile water for injection.

At the initial signs of poisoning (excitation, miosis, sweating, salivation, initial phenomena of bronchorrhea), 2 - 3 ml of 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate and inside muscle-alloxime in a dose of 0.075 g per 60-70 kg of the body weight of the patient are injected under the skin. If the symptoms of poisoning do not disappear, after 2 to 3 hours, re-inject the drugs in the same doses.

For heavier forms of poisoning, 3 ml of 0.1% atropine sulfate solution is administered intravenously, after 5 to 6 minutes, intravenous atropine at the same dose is repeated until the bronchiolospasm phenomena completely disappear and the signs of atropinization develop. Simultaneously, alloxime is administered at a dose of 0.075 g intramuscularly with an interval between injections of 1 to 3 hours.

Indicators of treatment effectiveness are a distinct improvement in brain bioelectrical activity (appearance of normal <-rhythm), cessation of myofibrillations and persistent increase in cholinesterase activity in the blood.

Single dose of alloxime 0,075 g, daily dose 0,2 - 0,8 g. The total dose is 0,4 - 1, 6 g.

Alloxim in combination with atropine is indicated for use not only in the presence of symptoms of poisoning, but also in their absence, when it is known that the effect of poison on the body has occurred (prophylactically).

Form release: lyophilized porous mass or powder in ampoules of 0.075 g (75 g) (Alloximum liurhilisatum 0,075 ppm injectionibus) in a package of 10 ampoules with a solvent (1 mg of sterile water for injection).

Storage: List B. In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than +10 C.