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Description of the medicine: Homatropine hydrobromide (Homatropini hydrobromidum)

GOMATROPINA HYDROBROMIDE (Homatropini hydrobromidum).

Tropinic ester of mandelic acid hydrobromide.

Synonyms: Homatropine hydrobromide, Homatropinum hydrobromicum.

It turns out semisynthetic way.

White crystalline powder odorless, easily soluble in water (1: 6), hard - in alcohol. Solutions tindalizuyut for 1 hour at + 60 - 65 "C 5 times or at + 75 - 80" C 3 times, or prepared aseptically.

By its structure and pharmacological properties it is close to atropine; Differs from the latter by less active and less prolonged action.

Apply in the form of 0.25 - 0.5 - 1% aqueous solution, mainly in ophthalmic practice, as a means of causing pupil dilatation and accidents of paralysis. The dilatation of the pupil comes quickly and passes through 10 to 20 hours.

Form release: powder; 0.25% solution in 5 ml vials.

Produced also a prolonged drug - a solution of homatropin hydrobromide 0.25% with methylcellulose (Solutio Homatropini hydrobromidi 0.25% cum Methylselluloso). Colorless transparent or slightly opalescent liquid; PH 4, 0 - 6, 0; In bottles of 5 and 10 ml.

Storage: List A. In well-ukuporennyh banks in the dark place.

Rp .: Sol. Homatropini hydrobromidi 0,25% 5 ml