Attention! Information is for reference only!
Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
WEB SITE ONLY DIRECTORY. NOT PHARMACY! We do not sell medicines! None!

Description of the medicine: Chlorozyl (Chlorozilum)

CHLOROZYL (Chlorozilum). 2-Dimethylaminoethyl ester of phenylcyclopentyl glycolic acid chloroethylate.

White crystalline powder. Easily soluble in water and alcohol. Hygroscopic.

The chemical structure and pharmacological properties are close to methacin.

Applied in adults for the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Take inside (regardless of time of eating) to 0,002 g (2 mg) 2 - 3 times a day. If necessary, increase the single dose to 0.00-0.004 g. Daily dose - up to 0.016 g (16 mg). The course of treatment 3 - 4 weeks.

Possible side effects and contraindications are the same as for metacin.

Product: tablets of 0.002 g (2 mg) in a package of 10 and 50 pieces.

Storage: List A. In a dry, dark place.