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Description of the medicine: Benzonalum (Benzonalum)

BENZONAL (Benzonalum). 1-Benzoyl-5-ethyl-5-phenylbarbituric acid.

Synonyms: Benzobarbitalum, Benzobarbital.

White crystalline powder of bitter taste. Very little soluble in water, it is difficult - in alcohol.

Benzonal is obtained as a result of the "modification" of the phenobarbital molecule. As can be seen from the formula, it differs from phenobarbital only in that in position N 1 it contains a benzoic acid residue.

Like phenobarbital, benzonale has anticonvulsant (antiepileptic) activity, but it has a less pronounced hypno-sedative effect.

Pharmacokinetic studies have established that benzonal is rapidly metabolized in the body, releasing phenobarbital, which has an anticonvulsant effect. Benzonal can thus be considered as a "prodrug".

Apply benzonal for the treatment of convulsive forms of epilepsy of various origins, including cases with focal and Jackson seizures.

In combination with hexamidine, carbamazepine, diphenin and other antiepileptic drugs, benzonal is used to treat non-convulsive and polymorphic seizures.

Assign inside the form of tablets (after eating).

A single dose for adults is 0.1 - 0.15 - 0.2 g, daily - up to 0.8 g; More often appoint 0.1 g 3 times a day.

Higher doses for adults: single 0.3 g, daily 1 g.

Children aged 3 - 6 years are prescribed 0,025-0,05 g per reception (0,1-0,15 g per day), 7-10 years - 0,05-0,1 g per reception (0,5 - 0.3 g per day), 11-14 years - 0.1 g per reception (0.3-0.4 g per day).

Higher doses for children (older age): single 0.15 g, daily 0.45 g.

Treatment begins with a single dose of a single dose. After 2 - 3 days, gradually increase the dose to the optimal daily (decrease in frequency and intensity and cessation of seizures with good tolerability). If the patient previously took other anticonvulsants, then the treatment with benzonal should be gradually switched over; Benzonal replaced first one, and then (after 3 - 5 days) the second and third dose of the previous drug. After complete replacement of the previous preparation, the dose of benzonal is gradually increased to complete cessation of seizures or a decrease in their frequency and intensity. Treatment continues for a long time (at least 1 - 2 years), even in the absence of seizures. With stable compensation, the dose is slowly reduced to one single dose per day, continuing, however, a prolonged use of the drug. In case of appearance of signs of seizures with decreasing dose, one should again return to the previous daily dose.

Like phenobarbital, benzonale is the "inducer" of enzymes, increases the activity of the monooxygenase enzyme system of the liver and can therefore be used to treat hyperbilirubinemia. There are data on the effectiveness of benzonal in the complex therapy of hemolytic disease of newborns and its better tolerability compared with phenobarbital.

Benzonal is usually well tolerated.