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Description of the medicine: Dipllacin (Diplacinum)

DIPLACIN (Diplacinum). 1, 3-Bis- (~ -platinecinium-ethoxy) -benzene dichloride.

Synonyms: Diplatcine dichloride, Diplacini dichloridum.

White crystalline powder. Very easily soluble in water. Solutions (pH 4, 5 - 7, 2) are sterilized at +100 "C for 30 minutes.

Antidepolarizing muscle relaxant. By the mechanism of action is similar to d-tubocurarine.

The introduction of diplatcin into the body is accompanied by a curare-like action, manifested in a temporary disruption of neuromuscular conduction and relaxation of skeletal muscles. When small doses of diplactin are administered, relaxation of skeletal muscles without stopping breathing can be observed. The weakening of breathing with the introduction of large doses is associated with the deactivation of the function of the respiratory muscles; With artificial respiration, the drug is tolerated in relatively large doses without inhibition of blood circulation. The paralyzing effect on neuromuscular conduction is removed by anticholinesterase substances.

The sequence of muscle relaxation is the same as with d-tubocurarine.

Diplacine is used to facilitate intubation of the trachea with endotracheal anesthesia and for a more complete relaxation of the musculature during surgical interventions under conditions of anesthesia with artificial ventilation of the lungs.

For intubation, trachea is administered intravenously (slowly - for 2 3 minutes) 100-200 mg of diplacin (5-10 ml of a 2% solution), on the average, 1, 5 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. After 1 - 2 minutes after the onset of muscle relaxation and the full opening of the gaps, a tracheal tube is inserted into the trachea. Since the introduction of diplatcin necessarily carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs: first with a mask, and after intubation of the trachea - through the intubation tube.

Relaxation of muscles after the introduction of an initial dose of diplatcin lasts about 1 hour. If it is necessary to prolong the relaxation, di-placine is administered repeatedly in a half dose from the initial dose. The total dose throughout the operation can reach 300 - 400 mg (15 - 20 ml of a 2% solution). With ether narcosis, the dose is reduced by 1/3.

To completely turn off self-breathing, diplatcin is administered in a dose of at least 200 mg at a time when the patient has a body weight of 60 to 70 kg.

Recently, diplatcin has been successfully used to immobilize the eyeball in ophthalmic surgery. The reason for this is that diplatcin (and other muscle relaxants) with retrobulbar injection blocks neuromuscular transmission in the external muscles of the eye, thereby weakening the pressure of extraocular muscles on the eyeball and causing its akinesia. Diplacin for this purpose is administered during surgery (with a local anesthesia of ia) retrobulbarno.

To do this, 1 ml of a 2% solution of diplatinum (20 mg) is diluted with 9 ml of a 2% solution of novocaine, then 1 ml of the resulting solution (2 mg) is mixed in a syringe with 4 ml of 2% solution of novocaine and injected transcutaneously into the orbital space.

If it is necessary to relax one of the rectus muscles, immediately inject 0.1 mg of a 2% solution of diplacin (2 mg) directly into the muscle.