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Description of the medicine: Dobutaminum

Dobutaminum *. (#) (4- [2-p-Oxyphenyl) -1-methylpropyl] -3,4-dioxyphenylethylamine (hydrochloride).

Synonyms: Dobuject, Dobuject, Dobutamine, Dobutrex, Inotrex.

The chemical structure is catecholamine and is closest to dopamine (see), from which it is distinguished by the fact that one hydrogen atom of the amino group is substituted in it by a para-hydroxyphenylmethylpropyl radical.

Dobutamine is the representative of the selective stimulant b 1 -adrenoceptor for the myocardium and therefore has a strong inotropic effect on the cardiac muscle. It acts directly on the receptors and differs from dopamine, which has an indirect effect (by displacing norepinephrine from granular depots). Dobutamine has virtually no effect on vascular adrenoreceptors. It has little effect on the automatism of the ventricles, has a weak chronotropic effect, and therefore, when it is used less (in comparison with other catecholamines), the risk of arrhythmias.

Unlike dopamine, dobutamine does not cause enlargement of the kidney vessels, but due to increased cardiac output, it can improve renal perfusion and increase diuresis in patients with heart disease. In connection with the inotropic effect, coronary blood flow increases. Peripheral vascular resistance decreases somewhat.

Apply dobutamine as a cardiotonic agent if necessary short-term increase myocardial contraction: when cardiac decompensation associated with organic heart disease or with surgical interventions on the heart. Apply the drug only in adults (due to the lack of sufficient experience in children).

Enter dobutamine intravenously, usually at a rate of 2, 5 to 10 μg / kg per minute.

The drug is diluted in sterile water for injection or in a 5% solution of glucose. Do not mix the solution of dobutamine with alkali solutions). Initially, dilute 250 mg of the drug in 10 - 20 ml of the solvent, then additionally dilute to the required concentration of 5% glucose solution or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The speed and duration of administration are adjusted depending on the effect.

When using the drug tachycardia, increased blood pressure, ectopic ventricular arrhythmias, as well as nausea, headache, pain in the heart. These phenomena occur with a decrease in the rate of administration.

The drug is contraindicated in idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.

Form release: in bottles with a capacity of 20 ml, containing 250 mg (0.25 g) dobutamine; 5% solution ("concentrate for infusions") in 5 ml ampoules (250 mg in ampoule).

Storage: List B. In the dark place.