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Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
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Description of the medicine: Histaglobulin (Histaglobulinum)

Histaglobulinum (Histaglobulinum).

The drug contained in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution 0.1 μg (0.0001 mg) of histamine hydrochloride and 0.006 g (6 mg) of gamma globulin from human blood (in terms of protein).

Synonym: Histaglobin (Histaglobin).

Colorless transparent or slightly opalescent liquid; PH 7, 0 - 8, 0.

When the drug is injected into the body, antihistamine antibodies are produced and the ability of the serum to inactivate the free histamine is increased.

Applied for the treatment of allergic diseases: urticaria, Quincke edema, neurodermatitis, eczema, bronchial asthma, etc. There are data on the use of histaglobulin in the complex treatment of viral hepatitis (given the role in the pathogenesis of the disease of the allergic component).

Enter under the skin. Adults are prescribed, starting with 1 ml, then 2 ml (up to 3 ml) at intervals of 2 - 3 - 4 days; For a course of 4 to 10 injections. If necessary, repeat treatment courses with interruptions 1 - 2 months (sometimes 2 weeks).

When using the drug, dizziness (usually in the elderly), hyperemia at the injection site.

Do not use the drug for menstruation (possibly increased bleeding), with fever, with corticosteroids.

Product: in ampoules of 3 ml.

Storage: in the dark place at a temperature of +2 to +8 'C.