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Description of the medicine: Trimecainum (Trimecainum)

TRIMECAIN (Trimecainum). A-Diethylamino-2,3,4-trimethylacetanilide hydrochloride.

Synonyms: Mesdicain, Mesidicaine, Mesocain, Trimecaini hydrochloridum.

White or white with a weak yellowish tinge crystalline powder. Very easily soluble in water, easily - in alcohol. Solutions (pH 4, 5 5.2) are prepared on isotonic sodium chloride solution, sterilized at + 100 C for 30 minutes.

According to the chemical structure and pharmacological properties, trimecaine is close to lidocaine. Chemically, it differs from lidocaine by the presence of a methyl group at position 4 of the phenyl nucleus.

Trimekain is an active local anesthetic.

Causes rapidly advancing, deep, prolonged infiltration, conductive, epidural and spinal anesthesia; In higher concentrations (2 - 5%) - and surface anesthesia.

Trimecaine acts more strongly and more longly than novocaine. Relatively little toxic, no irritating effect.

For infiltration anesthesia, trimecaine is used in the form of 0.125% solution (up to 1500 ml), 0.25% (up to 800 ml) or 0.5% solution (up to 400 ml). The total dose of the drug for adults should not exceed 2 g.

For conductive anesthesia use 1% solution (up to 100 ml) and 2% solution (up to 20 ml); For epidural - 1%; 1, 5% or 2% solution (sometimes in a mixture with autograft); Add adrenaline (0.1% solution of epinephrine hydrochloride for 5 - 8 drops for 20-25 ml of a solution of trimecaine). Enter cautiously - fractionally: 1% solution - first in a dose of 5 ml, then 10 ml (total to 50 ml); 2% solution - up to 20 - 25 ml.

For spinal anesthesia 5% solution is used (2 - 3 ml), and for surface - 2-5% solutions: in ophthalmic practice - 4 - 8 drops, in otorhinolaryngology - 2-8 drops (with the addition of 0.1% adrenaline solution Hydrochloride: 1 drop for every 2 ml of trimecaine solution).

Trimekain is also prescribed as an antiarrhythmic agent. The mechanism of action and indications for use are the same as for lidocaine. However, trimecaine is less effective than lidocaine.

Methods of administration and dose of trimecaine when used as an antiarrhythmic drug are approximately the same as for lidocaine: usually initially injected intravenously intravenously 80-120 mg (as a 2% solution), then drip (during the day) at a rate of 2 mg per minute (0.1 - 0.2% solution in isotonic sodium chloride solution).

Trimekain usually well tolerated, with an overdose, there may be side effects, like novocain.

Form release: powder; 0.25% solution in ampoules of 10 ml; 0.5% and 1% solutions in ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml; 2% solution - 1 each; 2; 5 and 10 ml and 5% solutions - 1 and 2 ml each.

Storage: List B.

Trimekain is a part of the aerosol preparation "Cimezol" (see Ziminal).